Support the network

You can support the network as a member (for organizations), as a volunteer or by making a donation.

How to become a member of the European network?

The Network is open to all European organisations providing support and care to survivors of torture. Organisations and experts from non-European countries are invited to be part of the Network as associated members.

Becoming a member of the Network is free of charge.

The membership implies the following:

  • Adherence to the principles of the Network as pointed out in the Terms of Reference of the EN.
  • Appointment of a representative.
  • Participation in the annual meetings and workshops.
  • Active contribution to the activities of the Network.

If you want to join our Network, please contact a member of the committee. The list of current members is managed by the centre organising the next Network Meeting.

If you have any questions concerning the membership, please contact a member of the committee.


Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering for the European Network, please send your CV and a brief covering letter directly to the centre that you would like to assist in. See the list of Rehabilitation Centres, members of the European Network, here.

If you are interested in an internship involving the organisation of one of the European Network Conferences, please contact the centre that will host the next conference (see Conferences).

You can also apply for specific internships and volunteering vacancies advertised by the centres. To enquire about current vacancies and how to apply, please contact the centres directly.



Apart from project-based funding received from international and regional/local non-governmental organizations, members of the European Network of Rehabilitation Centres are open to individual donations to support their daily work with and for survivors of torture. For details of how to donate to our centres, please refer to the individual centres you want to donate to.
If you would like to make a donation directly to the work of the Network as a whole, please refer to the centre that is organising the next European Network conference, and specify your donation wishes.